Over the last couple of weeks Disney has released a few "companion apps" to its rather wonderful Disney Infinity console game.
The first of these was a little throwaway. Action! Was clearly designed for kids who have been dragged away on a trip and whose parents didn't want to spend money buying the woeful 3DS version of Disney Infinity. But the second app, released just a few days ago, is a text book case study in the kinds of second screen experiences that everyone (yes, you too, Nintendo), need to be working on for their own games.
The first of these was a little throwaway. Action! Was clearly designed for kids who have been dragged away on a trip and whose parents didn't want to spend money buying the woeful 3DS version of Disney Infinity. But the second app, released just a few days ago, is a text book case study in the kinds of second screen experiences that everyone (yes, you too, Nintendo), need to be working on for their own games.
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