Wednesday 13 November 2013

The idea that Nintendo doesn't need change is utter nonsense

Opinion by Matt S. 

Recently, published an opinion piece that looked at the state of Nintendo and frankly, it was terrible. The crux of the argument was "Nintendo was once the bee's knees of the games industry, and even though it doesn't sell as much stuff now as it once did, it's still making fun games and it's going to be fine doing what it's doing."

If it was some random blog that published that, then it would have been easy enough to ignore; clickbait opinion is a common enough feature of enthusiast games press. But Gamesindustry is meant to be an industry publication and the writers over there are meant to be more interested in reporting business-orientated analysis and guidance rather than stroking fan's egos or engaging in schoolyard rhetoric.

So, since the supposed trade press don't want to discuss this issue properly, I might as well pick up the baton; the reality is that Nintendo is in desperate need of change (if it isn't already too late to do so). While we all want to see the company thrive because, like Disney, our childhoods are wrapped up in growing up with the products Nintendo provided, crossing fingers and praying for the best doesn't save corporations in the really real world.


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