Sunday 17 November 2013

How to Get your Blog Alexa rank Below 20,000

This is Question from many bloggers now a days.How I got My Alexa below 20k quickly.Well I already wrote a article on How to increase Alexa rank quickly in past.Here in this article I shared some more tips which I used  and that will also help you to increase your blog Alexa rank.
Alexa has its own importance in blogosphere. Believe me or not now a days many advertisers are looking for good Alexa sites for sponsor post and advertisements. Since there is no PR Update  from past few months Alexa playing crucial role in view of other bloggers and advertisers.
Must Check: 10 ways How I increased my Blog Traffic

Why your Site Alexa rank is Not Increasing?

Yes! Here I have answer for your question. Alexa is all about niche.For Technology,Blogging,Make Money Online,SEO sites Alexa will be much better when compared to other sites.Do you know why? Check below if not.
  • As I said Alexa works on the traffic which is passed through their system means it only counts the visits from the people who have installed Alexa toolbar in their browsers.
  • Visitors for Technology,blogging,SEO and Make money online are most who installed Alexa toolbar so for such niche sites Alexa will boost.
  • If your Site having niche about education movies,fun etc. Its bit tough to get Good Alexa rank.
  • So its not related on huge traffic you get.Its only depend on traffic that passing from Alexa system.

How Can you Improve Alexa Rank?

If your are successful in getting traffic from bloggers and webmasters then you are your wish will come true Because every webmaster will install Alexa toolbar on their browsers so when they visit your site then Alexa will start improving.

Tips to get Traffic from Bloggers/webmasters

  • Not Only Bloggers and Webmasters traffic its depend on traffic that passing from Alexa system.If you are struggling to get traffic from bloggers then follow this method tell all of your friends to install Alexa toolbar on their browsers and visit your site daily this is bit funny but I am sure this will work.
  • Facebook Traffic : There are many Facebook groups ( means groups like SEO,blogging,internet marketing etc) where most of people installed Alexa toolbar.Try to Share your article their it will helps you.
  • One more tips If you are sharing in Facebook groups containing bloggers,internet marketers try to share the tips about Technology,Blogging and Making money online because this will be something more interesting and useful for them.
  • Stumbleupon: You can Stumble your article in SEO, Web Development, Technology, Computers Category this will also helps you to get good Alexa rank
  • Google+: Not all the people are active in Google+ but some people i.e bloggers,webmasters are more active make use of it join the communities and get traffic.

Comment on Commluv blogs:

You can see most of Commluv blogs in Blogging/Internet marketing niche sites.So just comment on this blogs and boost your Alexa.( because the visitors for this blogs are mostly people who have Alexa toolbar already installed so if you can comment first then you can get some awesome Targeted traffic for free )

Forums and Question answering sites:

Yes you can also get traffic more important targeted traffic. Take active participation in internet marketing blogging webdesign forums this will also helps you to boost Alexa.

Fake Method to Increae Alexa Rank:

My bro Imran Uddin wrote detailed article to How to Incerase Alexa in fake methods.

Be Consistent:

Yes Maintaing post frequency will also helps you to get good Alexa rank so try to publish atleast 1 article daily.

Last Words:

Whatever you do,How ever you do doesn't matter try to get traffic from blogger,webmasters or from people who installed Alexa toolbar. then you are done and can boost your Alexa for sure.
If your Alexa rank is so big then first I recommend you read the guide on How to Get Alexa rank below 100000 in 1 month
If you have any other tricks in increasing blog alexa let me know in the comments below


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