Friday 25 October 2013

Top Companies Owned by Google Which Changed the Lifes of People

Google the tech giant had changed the lifestyle of the World. Internet without the term Google is so hard to imagine. Because Google is not just a search engine it is more than that. Google is treated as God by some people.And there are many People from all over the world who dream of getting a Job in Google. Google had made our life comfortable and bought many drastic changes in us.
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Google is  well know for it's search engine as it had started with search engine, but Google is not just a search engine it offers many services to the people with it's products. The best example of the product of Google is the one which we are using to run our blog. Yes our Blog is running on Blogger platform which is powered by Google!. And there are some products of Google which we are using in our daily life.Google had acquired nearly 100 companies. Here are we made a list of Google products which are used by other companies before they are part of Google.

Google AdSense:

We all know that Google is richest company in the world, But ever wonder from where Google is getting money even after giving almost all it's services and products for free.The answer is Google AdSense And Google Adwords. By this time you might have understand How much Google AdSense and Adwords are  a important part of Google.Google AdSense and Adwords lets Google to make money by displaying the ads on its free products which we use daily.Google AdSense and Adwords is not just helping Google, It is helping Advertisers in reaching their products to the people and Helping people to get free product pr services from Google. And helping the Google publishers to make money from Google.(We use Google Adsense on All Tech Tricks  to monetize our blog)
Google AdSense is not actually a product of Google. This is actually a product of  Applied Semantics company, which sold the Google AdSense to Google in 2003.


Blogger is a great free service from Google which Made the internet Informative by allowing the people to start their own blogs for free of cost.We love this service from Google this is the reason why we are running All Tech Tricks on Blogger.

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Blogger was first launched by Pyra Labs in 1999.Blogger was acquired by Google in 2003, After buying Blogger from Pyra Labs in 2003, Google made all the premium features of Blogger free of cost!.Now Blogger is one of the best Blogging platform in the world. Blogger is now in top 100 Sites (According to Alexa in India it is 17th position).


The most loved Mobile operating system by every mobile user.Android is a top mobile operating system which is now powering 900+ Million Devices all over the world this operating system was powered by Linux. And Android is only the top open source operating system.And Android has many third party apps they are around 975.000+ apps in Google play store.Android had changed the lifestyle of People around the world and made life comfortable. We love Here at All Tech Tricks love android and covered some tips check out here in Android section.
Android was acquired by Google in 2005 from Android Inc. which was founded by Andy Rubin,Rich Miner,Nick Sears and Chris White.When Google acquired Android from Android Inc. Many people thought Google is entering into mobile market, which became true.


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The site which is updated with 60hours length videos in a second and has  The best Video sharing website in the world is not actually a Google Product, this website was started by Three guys Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim who were all former employes of, The idea to start a video sharing site YouTube came to the founders when they actually faced problems in sharing their works and they also tp media said that YouTube was inspired from a dating site Not Or Hot.YouTube was bought by Google in 2006. And this acquisition of YouTube by Google is the 3rd biggest acquisition till now (1st is acquisition of Motorola and 2nd is acquisition of Double click).And do want to see the first video on Youtube Here is it is this is the video of the On of the you-tube's co founder Jawed.


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Picasa is a best free Image editing,organizer, tool from Google which was acquired by Google from Lifescape(IdeaLab) in 2004.Picasa is now powered with many features which includes the Face recognition,Geo Tagging.Picasa is available for Windows,Linux and Mac operating systems for free of cost.

Google Maps:

The most loved and used by every common internet user and developer in this world is Google Maps. Google maps is written in c++ first by two brothers Lars and Jens Rasumssen. Google bought this Service from the founders company "Where2 Technologies" in 2004.. Google maps were created and designed by Where2 technologies to download the maps by the user to use them but later they made it this service a complete web based service. Latter after aqution of thie company by Google, Google add many advanced features and services to the Google maps.


The easy way for Internet users to read the Feeds of the websites is  made simple by the Feed Burner. Feed Burner is favorite Service of  many webmasters to spread their website content to their audience.Feed Burner was acquired by Google in 2007. As usually Google made all the pro features of feed-burner for free to all it's Users.We here at All Tech Tricks love using Feed-Burner to deliver our blog content to our Audience. Don't forget to Subscribe to our Blog feed with your emails.

Double Click:

Double Click is a new ad engine powered by Google, Double click allows Google publishers to serve their own ads on their blog and website for free.All you need is just to have the AdSense account.Double click was acquired by Google in the year 2007 for $3.1 Billion.

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