Tuesday 24 September 2013

Review: Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (PS3)

Review by Matt S. 

Let's get this out of the way before we start the review; if you want to know what I think of Dead or Alive 5's jiggling breasts and microkinis (yeah, that's a technical term, go Google if you're brave and not at work), click on this link for an earlier opinion piece. And, if you want to read a spirited debate over whether that opinion piece is legitimate or not, check the comments at the bottom.

So this review doesn't need to talk about breasts, bounce, or exploitation. That's out of the system (though I'm always up for some chat about Hitomi. See you fans in the comments, 'k?). Believe it or not, and putting aside the series' reputation, there's a lot to talk about with Dead or Alive 5 that doesn't involve double D's, and I'd like for this review to focus on them.


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