Friday 9 August 2013

You would like a leg of what?!?!

What Does Human Flesh Taste Like?

Posted by Ross Pomeroy at Fri, 09 Aug 2013 01:28:55
RealClearScience blog

It doesn't taste like chicken.

Human is a rare delicacy, served only under a cloud of starvation-induced desperation, during the rituals of exotic, faraway tribes, or in "a green pepper sauce with croquettes and Brussels sprouts" if you happen to be the psychotic German cannibal Armin Meiwes.

The taste of man meat is a topic largely glossed over by science -- I just don't see it passing ethics boards anytime soon. For that reason, all we have are fairly unreliable, albeit juicy anecdotes. The aforementioned Meiwes, who has eaten a solid 50 pounds of man in his life, likened the flavor to slightly bitter pork, adding that it was "quite good."

We also have the testimony of the infamous Colorado prospector Alfred Packer. In 1874, Packer apparently killed and devoured his five companions when provisions ran low. In 1883, he told a reporter that their breasts were "the sweetest meat" he'd ever tasted.

116 years later, crazed murderer Omeima Nelson echoed Packer's appraisal. After killing her abusive husband, she barbecued and ate his ribs.

"It's so sweet, it's so tender and delicious," she reminisced to psychiatrists.

(More here.)


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